
Thursday, November 27, 2014

Liquid Mayhem Fish Attractants Review

As promised here is my review of a new fish attractant from Liquid Mayhem Fish Attractants called Liquid Mayhem.  As I've stated in previous articles I believe in the use of fish attractants as cover scents, but wasn't too sure they really attracted fish to hit your bait.  Most fishermen are finding out that they get more hits and the fish hold onto their baits longer when they use a scent.  Why is this you might ask?  That answer is simple, you yourself have a scent and the things you touch also have scents.  Some of the things we come in contact with before we hit the water like, soap, sun block, gas, oil and foods transfer their scents to your hands.  The problem with this is most of them don't smell good and aren't very tasty to fish.   If you are having problems catching fish and your buddy is really hammering them on the same exact bait then I'll bet you have a scent problem.  A scent problem can be easily fixed with a good cover scent, something the fish like to smell and taste. Unlike a lot of the attractants on the market Rage uses really natural scents made from things like crawfish, shad and minnows.  This has to taste good to the fish and even if it doesn't attract them to your bait, once they get it in their mouth they hold on long enough for you to get a good hookset.  That in itself is a benefit worth it's weight in gold to a fisherman.

As for me, I've been using cover scents for years and will say that until testing these Liquid Mayhem Fish Attractants products I didn't believe any of them actually attract fish.  Well a trip to the bayou yesterday really changed my mind on this subject.  The water in the bayou yesterday looked like chocolate milk and I really had little hopes of getting anything to bite.  I applied some of the Liquid Mayhem Minnow Garlic to my jig and what happened was totally unexpected.  Not only did I catch fish, but I caught a fish that was very close to my personal best on that bayou.

As you might know I'm a huge fan of Garlic and in fact for a number of years not only me but lots of fishermen have found that the scent of Garlic helps them catch more fish.  That is why I picked the Minnow Garlic as one of the scents from Rage to test. 

Now applying Liquid Mayhem to your bait is easy but can be messy.   Messy in this case is a good thing as it gets the scent on you and helps cover anything that you might have on your hands that would cause a fish not to hit your bait or to spit it out before you can set the hook.  Here is a short video that show how to apply it to your bait.

I've saved the biggest benefit of using Liquid Mayhem for last and this one is what really sets this product out in a league of their own.  All of the other scents on the market have to be reapplied about every 10-12 casts because they wash off in the water.  Not Liquid Mayhem; it stays on your bait a very long time.  In fact one application will stay on your bait and doing it's job to cover your scent for more than 30 minutes.  What does that mean to you?   That means your bait is in the water more as you don't have to stop as often to reapply.  This translates into more casts and more chances to catch fish, which is a huge benefit for tournament fishermen!!!

The bottom line is I'm sold on Liquid Mayhem it is a far better product than any of the other cover scents/fish attractants on the market today.  I will not be doing any fishing from this point on unless there is Liquid Mayhem in my tackle bag or boat!!!

Until next time, Tight Lines and Take a Kid Fishing!!!

1 comment:

  1. If your not using this you are missing bigger better bites ...truly works for me ...and the company is great too very nice people


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